Reverie Station - Be an origin for action
We live in times of eco-anxiety, activism burnout and a general trend towards resignation when it comes to the global challenges we are facing today. We want to provide people with a tool that can work as a counterbalance of this state of resignation and leading us back to a place of balance.
Interdisciplinary Project for masterstudents (MAD 1) Spring 2020
In the middle of the Corona crisis, and the University shut down.
Course Leader: Associate professor Torkell Bernsen
Guest Instructors: Philipp Von Hase and Andreas Zingerle
From Growth to Balance: Designing (im)possible Futures. The theme and process of the course relate to the design department's sustainability goals, and deals with large-scale climate change related issues. The aim is to communicate facts and create scenarios, grounded in facts from scientific research.
What role could designers have in the transition from growth to balance? What futures can you imagine? Are they desirable, surprising, or optimistic? It is easy to imagine a dystopian anthropocene, but how can you build the world you want to live in? We will present the result from two studentgroups.

Why the reverie station
At the Reverie Station we want to encourage you to take time for pause and reverie in your daily life. It is an initiative that aims to share these moments, giving people inspiration to find their own ‘sweet spot’ of reverie.
As more people share, the more people we impact.

What is Reverie
A state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.
Reverie as a counterbalance of resignation, leading us back to a place of balance. It is the state of being pleasantly lost in our imagination.
With reverie, we want to provide people with a tool that can be applied in daily life.

What is the Sweet Spot
Reverie has to be free and honest which also means the way to find it is very individual. Often we find reverie in situations where the mind and senses are free to explore. The moment when you find your moment of reverie is what we like to call hitting the ‘sweet spot’. It immerses you fully, turning the world off outside of you, inspiring your most precious ideas.

Listen to our recording
The German word Lichtung means a clearing, as in, for example, a clearing in the woods. In Heidegger’s work, he refers to the need for a mental clearing in order for new ideas to show themselves, or become unconcealed. Reverie is the revealing of space for new ideas, which become the seeds for action.

Build with us
Through sharing you become part of the initiative to inspire others to find their own reverie. Stories shared on the Reverie Station website will be projected in unexpected places throughout Bergen. Acting as signals to spread the experience of reverie.

Be on the lookout

Bio: Amy van den Hooven, Lena Bienert, Thanee Rene Andino, and Theodore Folstad are MA Students at the Department of Design – Faculty of Fine Art, Music, and Design, University of Bergen. 2020
More information: Project website Reverie Station